Tito served in the Austrian army in World War I. He was captured by the Russians, but escaped to join the Bolsheviks. He fought in the Russian Civil War from 1918-21. In 1920 he returned to Croatia. He was a metal worker and joined the illegal Communist party. In 1929 he was arrested for his activities on behalf of the party and remained in jail until in 1934. After the German capture of Yugoslovia during World War II, he led the Yugoslav resistance. After the war he declared Yugoslavia a Republic, and forced the abdication of Yugoslavian King Peter II. While a Communist, Tito developed an independent foreign policy, breaking completely with Stalin in 1948. Tito led the country in a policy of neutrality and maintained good relations with most countries. Domestically, Tito allowed gradual liberalization of the economy. Tito remained the leader of Yugoslavia until his death in 1980.